Zaragoza Urban Buses


Buses are quick, convenient and cheap in Zaragzoa. With this city being the size that it is, you'll find it quite easy to navigate your way around and be able to hop on and off the buses with the locals in no time at all!  You can buy a ticket when you get on the bus for €0.90 a single fare, or buy a 10 ride voucher, a monthly pass or a rechargeable bus card.  To get any of the bono passes head over to  the customer service office at the Centro Independencia, El Caracol (little mall that's shaped like a snail).You can also buy the 10 ride pass at the little information kiosks around the city and the rechargeable pass at banks.

Zaragoza Bus Company- Tuzsa
Tlf: 976 592 727

Zaragoza Bus Fares
1 trip: €0.90
10 trip bono: €6
Monthly pass: €34.33